There are two different editions of the CD, each with different cover artwork & layout. Both covers are pictured above.
Warning: Due to German law, under criminal code Strafgesetzbuch 86a , the original artwork for this album depicting the Shiswastifa has been banned in Deutschland. This has resulted in a different cover for the European audience. Listen to at your own discretion.
One of the metal underground's best-kept secrets, Detroit scum-crew SHITFUCKER have finally delivered a full-length of filth after a prolific slew/spew of EPs and demos, under the fuck-off-tourists title of Suck Cocks in Hell. A power-trio in the grand tradition of early SODOM, VENOM, and MOTORHEAD, the three nuclear zombies of SHITFUCKER gnarl together ancient blackthrash and toxic hardcore-punk into a blown-out brew bubbling over with disease, degradation, and devil worship. Bow before apocalyptic witching metal of the highest order/odor : this is SHITFUCKER's Suck Cocks in Hell! Recommended for diehards of GISM, early SODOM, ABIGAIL, and early BATHORY.


"A grotty charm...probably one of the most evil-sounding bands you'll hear in 2013" - Metal Forces
"So they say: What?s in a name (or even an album title)? All the profanities and vulgarities aside, and belligerent and unabashed as Shitfucker?s tunes are, they?re not quite as vulgar as the eye-catching band name and vulgar album title suggest. Take the 'fuck you' attitude of punk and other metal spawns, toss in some booze fuel, broken bones and black-as-night bruises, and you have an idea of Shitfucker. Great, crusty riffs are plentiful here, as well as smacking bass lines, all of it more punk than shiny metal stuff. This means that you?re not going to find a bunch of damn guitar noodling solos here. Imagine some dirty science lab spliced the DNA of Lemmy and Tom Angelripper with little Damien from The Omen, started a band and called it none other than Shitfucker" - SLUG
"The noise that the band emits, dripping, oozing out of the open sores they have for mouths, shooting out of the diseased cocks they have for fingers like ectoplasmic ejaculate, does hark back to the darkest, sleaziest, most morally-stunted moments in the VENOM back catalogue, the songs - with titles like 'Smash Your Skull', 'Acid Bath,' and 'Demonic Rock,' the latter most apt - spitting out of the speakers and congregating around your ears like flies around Rod Steiger in a late '70s horror flick, the din like a cacophony of laughing demons callously mocking your every inadequacy...a vicious fuckwad of a record, going in dry and leaving a mark. Listen at your peril...Album of the Year" -
"Be honest. You?re reading this for the same reason I?m listening to this album: the band name. Endearing, isn?t it? And yes, the music does sound exactly like what the name suggests: messy and murderous...Imagine the D-beat punk attitude of DISCHARGE, the much-lauded instrumentally-disabled black metal of VENOM, and the lo-fi black/thrash of BATHORY combined with the lawn-killing stench of MOTORHEAD and you?ve got a good idea of what to expect from this mob. Vicious and uncompromising and well worth a chuckle, the grim delight of this anarchically tongue-in-cheek and completely repulsive poop-party makes SID VICIOUS look like an X-Factor contestant. There are two things you need to listen to this: lubricant for before, and wet wipes for afterward. Disgustingly brilliant!" -
"Keep the gimmickery and all the ridiculousness that it drags with it kicking and screaming through oily gags. Because that?s the best way to appreciate what can only be described as the sonic equivalent to caustic underpants...From start to finish, Suck Cocks in Hell is an ugly, corrosive, hellish heap. The vocals sound like they were picked up from a wind tunnel five streets away, and the music is a bastardised hardcore/black metal hybrid that gushes from the hi-fi in a manner that suggests you might want to lay plastic sheets down before indulging. It?s not sloppy, in any particular way. Just?deeply nasty. The production on the drums is almost slushy and putrid, and the guitars are only marginally better, with little low end to speak of, outside of the lower snarls of the grotesque vocals. But it keeps the pace going relentlessly. There?s no point where anything even suggests a lull; it just lurches from one tormented horror to the next. The drumming is furiously-paced, the guitars keeping pace evenly, and?I suppose the vocals are. It?s a bit like how I?d envisage sado-masochistic porn being acted out live via a satellite link hosted on Pluto. It works, but not in any way that can the thought of without some major headfucking occurring...And what really floats this album is the blantant sense of the ludicrous. There?s no point where the music ceases to bear a rotten grin across itself. The very aesthetics: that scrappy, lo-fi nastiness, is tongue-in cheek, and there are various half-parodies here and there, such as ?Rock ?n? Roll Freaky Dude,? which seems to spring from the various rockabilly/psychobilly freakouts knocking around, with its opening low-end (not quite bass) line, and the Hammer Horror gothic excess of ?I Am The Devil? with its church bells, climactic guitar chords and tribal-ish drumming. But the prize for sheer audacity most be ?Sex Dungeon,? somehere between slab-of-flesh rawness and a KISS hit, with gleefully-delivered 'woo-hoo' refrains protruding from the bloody bones of a hardcore number...Bookended by ?Satantisanity? and ?Ytinasitnats,? both of which are mildly unsettling ambient discordances (the latter being played backwards), this is actually a far better-structured album than many so-called more 'serious' albums, with a real sense of perverse liveliness to it that means you stay pinned down by it as it pulls you into its otherworld. So, as much as I would have liked to have panned it, I?ll hold up my hands and admit defeat. For what it is, Suck Cocks in Hell really is some of the best you can hope for" -