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 based on 6 Customer Reviews
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Review On Jun 7, 2007 by DIRT CULTURE ZINE of AZ
 based on 0 Customer Reviews
Title: The best black metal album of this year?!
Comments: The black metal god Paul Ledney finally recorded a new Profanatica album with the help of old member John Gelso (an ex-member of Toten and Contrivisti). So what does Profanatica sound like now, you must be asking? Well Paul did seem to lead it more into the direction of his project Havohej. The guitar has relatively no treble sound in the tone. It is all bass, unlike most black metal bands nowadays. The album has so much bass in it but it bleeds of black metal. It is such a blasphemous album. Profanatica has not changed at all. They are still the same. They are still living and still shitting on Jehovah. This is a fist in the face of every “Norgay” loving black metal fan. This is a great album nonetheless. It's actually a catchy but evil album. It may even possibly be the best black metal album of this year! (Zell Sabrehaven)

Review On Oct 10, 2007 by FAN REVIEW
 based on 0 Customer Reviews
Title: Album of the Week 10-10-17-2007
Comments: I haven’t been frightened by anything Satanic since 1981, when Venom’s ‘Welcome To Hell’ raped my 10-year-old brain. In the past 26 years of listening to Metal I have heard virtually every form of hatred against a supposed god, humanity, and politics. Hearing the lyrics and seeing the gore soaked album covers is about as shocking for me as a day at work for a coroner employed by the city of Detroit. BUT, every now and again, against my will, I am teleported into a fictional world of sublime evil where blasphemous hordes spike the glossy eyed heads of the Pope and Billy Graham atop spears matted crimson. Yes, I embrace the wickedness as I turn the volume up and let Profanatica lure me into a beautiful world of bible bashing blasphemy.

‘Profanatitas De Domonatia’ is unfettered 100% grade fucking A sacrilege molded, patted, and pressed into CD format for the most sinister to enjoy. Drums are hypnotically minimalist as if the kit is made up of the guillotined heads of executed saints being mashed in a reverie of pulsating blasts. Fills are amazing, and the play of the drums matches the guitar riffing in timing and pace with the ferociousness of the risen beast ripping out a piece of the popes ass. Double bass booms harmoniously with a snare, that sounds like a nail gun hammering Christ’s feet and hands. Guitars are utterly violent. Strumming is tightly heavy and I gotta wonder how many strings got broken in the recording process of ‘Profanatitas De Domonatia.’ Riffs spiral in a paradoxical hellish descent, they are always dynamic, fuzz literally buzzes making it sound like the volume is too high on a set of blown out speakers, and the whole six string contribution is furiously fantastic. Most demonic is hearing Profanatica shift from an all out blasting passage into a stolid Doom riddled part where the vibe is more abysmal than a death sentence. Vocals are demented rasping hissing pissed off viper growls that are a blueprint for how passionate iniquity should sound when vomited through the esophagus.

‘Profanatitas De Domonatia’ is all out Christ hatred that induces daydreams of the most fantastical blasphemous profanity. Hearing this album makes me want to force several penguin-clad nuns to enema all over bibles and into a jeweled sacrament chalice. Then Profanatica and I would gash their succulent ass cheeks thinly with razors and do an airtight triple penetration on each whore. After some exhaustive fucking we’d finish up with anal cream pies through a plastic funnel thereby taking our heathenish semen to the deepest regions of their Christ loving assholes.

Goddamn, daydreaming all that filth into this review made me want to jack off. So while I squeeze out some tadpoles I suggest you all blasphemers buy ‘Profanatitas De Domonatia’ cause it is the definition of Black Metal with the best elements of early Venom, Hellhammer, and Bathory sewn into its demonic fabric. This fact is enhanced by a production that is fearfully bleak as standing atop a gallows with a burly rope waiting to pop tight. Stark too is that Paul Ledney and Profanatica have again proved that high caliber Black Metal bands aren’t relegated to Europe. Yup, ‘Profanatitas De Domonatia’ is quality noxious Black Metal, and I gotta thank Paul Ledney and John McEntee for having a musical disagreement that resulted in the creations of Incantation and Profanatica… Fuck, friends are overrated anyway.

Review On Nov 13, 2007 by Franang Zine
 based on 0 Customer Reviews
Title: Buy it or fuck off !
Comments: Finally Paul Lednay awakes his demonic baby, his own Damien that shacked the Metal planet in the early 1990 with their cruel Black Death Metal. Profanatica is back, and after so many delays, promised for a full length since ages that was supposed to be released on sooo many labels; "Profanatitas De Domonatia" is finally released ! Thus American band gave us a bone to lick in 2002 through a 7EP that was extremely disappointing, but now things changed. Yet the first tune reminds you this fucking blasphemous Death/Black Metal from the early days of this movement. Profanatica is not looking for melodies, cool riffs and grim atmosphere. No it's simply a huge musical chaos, something extremely raw and evil. Lednay vocals are ugly, terrible and terrific, like a demon chanting for his glory. We can feel the mentally insane lads behind the compositions, feasting for his return through excellent songs like "A Fallen God, Dethrone In Heaven" or "Pallid Savior". Profanatica uses exactly the same receipt than their early materials and it's fucking efficient. Forget all the so called depressing bands and brutal B.M faggots. Profanatica are the king of hell, the supremacist in violent music, period ! This is an album to get in discography among Sadistik Exekution, Beherit, and Archgoat. Buy it or fuck off !

Review On Aug 18, 2011 by Adrenalin of Waltham, VT
 based on 0 Customer Reviews
Title: Who Thinks of This Stuff?!!!
Comments: I'm SO psyched that I was able to get my hands on a copy of the Die Hard of this release! I'm not sure who thinks up this stuff at HHR, but they deserve an award for this one. GREAT packaging, quality materials & thick vinyl makes this the Unholy Grail of Profanatica releases. And the music is some of their best. Can''t wait for the new double vinyl release to come out on HHR.

Review On Feb 27, 2012 by TeufelsTomb.com
 based on 0 Customer Reviews
Title: This Album Is... Essential Mandatory! A Must Own Release!
Comments: Few bands are as blasphemous and perverse as the mighty U.S black metal tyrants Profanatica. This band is the audio equivalent of watching your mother getting gang raped by a bunch of sex crazed mongoloids, then after this bizarre ritual is over they proceed to tear your mother apart and devour her piece by piece. Sickened by Holy Host is not actually a brand new Profanatica record, instead it collects 5 new songs and 2 re-recordings played by 2 separate lineups. Are you baffled as to why there are re-recordings of re-recordings and 5 new songs played by 2 different lineups? Well, you’re not alone so let me clear the air for you in just a moment, you lazy prick!

Adding to the confusion is the fact that there are two different versions of Sickened by Holy Host. The first is a 39-minute 12″ double mLP, and the second is a CD version featuring Sickened by Holy Host and The Grand Masters Session together on the same disc. That’s fucking awesome because The Grand Masters Session was a vinyl only release that came in that bad ass wooden box. I heard it at a friend’s house and loved it so the fact that the CD version has those songs makes this all the more worthwhile. Plus it comes housed in this 7” multi-fold out packaging that looks awesome.

Part 1 (the first mLP) of Sickened by Holy Host contains five new tracks featuring Paul Ledney on drums with His Emissary from Ipsissimus on guitars. The sound is surprisingly clear and powerful. The guitar sound in particular is massive and has a huge bottom end. Musically the new songs remind me of the earlier Profanatica demos, specifically Putrescence of… and Broken Jew. The songs are barbaric and have very heavy slower sections. The 2 older songs that have been re-recorded are “As Tears of Blood Stain the Altar of Christ” and “Jehovah Fading.” These cuts were originally recorded in 1992 and were supposed to be on the debut album The Raping of the Virgin Mary but the album was never recorded. You can hear those two songs on the 2006 The Enemy of Virtue discography however. They were taken from a studio session back in ’92.

If Part 1 was too clean sounding for your liking then fret not, because Part 2 (the second mLP) is much more raw. This session contains the same 5 songs and 2 re-recordings as on Part 1 just with John Gelso (The Royal Arch Blaspheme) playing guitar over Paul’s vocals and drums from Part 1. I’ll give you a minute to let that sink in there…. Good? Okay then let’s move on. As I mentioned before, Part 2 is a lot more raw and along with that rougher sound we get all kinds of feedback and cool noises. The music also has a bit more substance to it. What I mean by that is there are harmonies and some dual guitar work going on that wasn’t present on Part 1. This makes the tracks a bit different and gives you 2 people’s interpretations of the songs. Intriguing to say the least.

This paragraph is for the people who will be purchasing the CD version. Above I stated that on the CD edition The Grand Masters Session is put on the end of Sickened by Holy Host. The Grand Masters Session was a 2008 “live” studio recording featuring Paul Ledney on vocals, John Gelso on guitar, Alex Cox (Amoebic Dysentery) on bass, and Black Jones of Avulsion on drums. All the band’s “hits” are here, including the 5 song medley (featuring material from “Spilling Holy Blood,” “I Arose,” “Final Hour of Christ,” “Heavenly Father” and “Scourging and Crowning”) is fucking awesome. As far as the transfer to the digital format goes, it sounds a bit different to me. Not in a bad way just not as organic as the vinyl sounded to me. That could have been because of the system I was listening to it on so who the fuck knows.

I would love a new Profanatica record, but Sickened By Holy Host will definitely tide me over. If you don’t own a record player then the CD version is a mandatory buy because of the inclusion of The Grand Masters Session. Trust me, it’s well worth the price of admission. If you like utterly vile and savage black metal then Profanatica is the band for you. Fuck, this band rules! I’m gonna go piss on a statue of the virgin Mary now.

Review On Feb 27, 2012 by TeufelsTomb.com
 based on 0 Customer Reviews
Title: This Album Is... Essential Mandatory! A Must Own Release!
Comments: Few bands are as blasphemous and perverse as the mighty U.S black metal tyrants Profanatica. This band is the audio equivalent of watching your mother getting gang raped by a bunch of sex crazed mongoloids, then after this bizarre ritual is over they proceed to tear your mother apart and devour her piece by piece. Sickened by Holy Host is not actually a brand new Profanatica record, instead it collects 5 new songs and 2 re-recordings played by 2 separate lineups. Are you baffled as to why there are re-recordings of re-recordings and 5 new songs played by 2 different lineups? Well, you’re not alone so let me clear the air for you in just a moment, you lazy prick!

Adding to the confusion is the fact that there are two different versions of Sickened by Holy Host. The first is a 39-minute 12″ double mLP, and the second is a CD version featuring Sickened by Holy Host and The Grand Masters Session together on the same disc. That’s fucking awesome because The Grand Masters Session was a vinyl only release that came in that bad ass wooden box. I heard it at a friend’s house and loved it so the fact that the CD version has those songs makes this all the more worthwhile. Plus it comes housed in this 7” multi-fold out packaging that looks awesome.

Part 1 (the first mLP) of Sickened by Holy Host contains five new tracks featuring Paul Ledney on drums with His Emissary from Ipsissimus on guitars. The sound is surprisingly clear and powerful. The guitar sound in particular is massive and has a huge bottom end. Musically the new songs remind me of the earlier Profanatica demos, specifically Putrescence of… and Broken Jew. The songs are barbaric and have very heavy slower sections. The 2 older songs that have been re-recorded are “As Tears of Blood Stain the Altar of Christ” and “Jehovah Fading.” These cuts were originally recorded in 1992 and were supposed to be on the debut album The Raping of the Virgin Mary but the album was never recorded. You can hear those two songs on the 2006 The Enemy of Virtue discography however. They were taken from a studio session back in ’92.

If Part 1 was too clean sounding for your liking then fret not, because Part 2 (the second mLP) is much more raw. This session contains the same 5 songs and 2 re-recordings as on Part 1 just with John Gelso (The Royal Arch Blaspheme) playing guitar over Paul’s vocals and drums from Part 1. I’ll give you a minute to let that sink in there…. Good? Okay then let’s move on. As I mentioned before, Part 2 is a lot more raw and along with that rougher sound we get all kinds of feedback and cool noises. The music also has a bit more substance to it. What I mean by that is there are harmonies and some dual guitar work going on that wasn’t present on Part 1. This makes the tracks a bit different and gives you 2 people’s interpretations of the songs. Intriguing to say the least.

This paragraph is for the people who will be purchasing the CD version. Above I stated that on the CD edition The Grand Masters Session is put on the end of Sickened by Holy Host. The Grand Masters Session was a 2008 “live” studio recording featuring Paul Ledney on vocals, John Gelso on guitar, Alex Cox (Amoebic Dysentery) on bass, and Black Jones of Avulsion on drums. All the band’s “hits” are here, including the 5 song medley (featuring material from “Spilling Holy Blood,” “I Arose,” “Final Hour of Christ,” “Heavenly Father” and “Scourging and Crowning”) is fucking awesome. As far as the transfer to the digital format goes, it sounds a bit different to me. Not in a bad way just not as organic as the vinyl sounded to me. That could have been because of the system I was listening to it on so who the fuck knows.

I would love a new Profanatica record, but Sickened By Holy Host will definitely tide me over. If you don’t own a record player then the CD version is a mandatory buy because of the inclusion of The Grand Masters Session. Trust me, it’s well worth the price of admission. If you like utterly vile and savage black metal then Profanatica is the band for you. Fuck, this band rules! I’m gonna go piss on a statue of the virgin Mary now.

PROFANATICA - Rotting Incarnation Of God PROFANATICA - Rotting Incarnation Of God (CD)
United States | Black
PROFANATICA - The Curling Flame Of Blasphemy PROFANATICA - The Curling Flame Of Blasphemy (CD)
United States | Black
IMPALED NAZARENE - Tol Cormpt Norz Norz Norz IMPALED NAZARENE - Tol Cormpt Norz Norz Norz (12" Gatefold LP)
Finland | Black
LIFELOVER - Erotik LIFELOVER - Erotik (12" LP)
Sweden | Black/Depressive Rock
PROFANATICA - Altar Of The Virgin Whore PROFANATICA - Altar Of The Virgin Whore (12" MLP)
United States | Black
$15.99 - $24.99
PROFANATICA - Disgusting Blasphemies Against God PROFANATICA - Disgusting Blasphemies Against God (12" LP)
United States | Black
$18.99 - $20.00
PROFANATICA - Profanatitas De Domonatia PROFANATICA - Profanatitas De Domonatia (12" LP)
United States | Black
$16.66 - $40.00
PROFANATICA - The Curling Flame Of Blasphemy PROFANATICA - The Curling Flame Of Blasphemy (12" Gatefold LP)
United States | Black
$7.78 - $20.00
PROFANATICA - The Enemy Of Virtue PROFANATICA - The Enemy Of Virtue (Deluxe 12" DOUBLE LP)
United States | Black
PROFANATICA - Thy Kingdom Cum PROFANATICA - Thy Kingdom Cum (12" Gatefold LP w/ Poster)
United States | Black
$15.55 - $20.00
PROFANATICA / IMPIETY - Unholy Black Death / Unholy Masters Of Darkness PROFANATICA / IMPIETY - Unholy Black Death / Unholy Masters Of Darkness (7" EP)
United States | Black -&- Singapore | Death/Black/Thrash
PROFANATICA - Altar Of The Virgin Whore PROFANATICA - Altar Of The Virgin Whore (T-Shirt -OR- Girlie)
United States | Black
$19.99 - $24.99
United States | Black
United States | Black
$16.99 - $20.99
United States | Black
United States | Black
United States | Black
United States | Black
PROFANATICA - Heretical Visions PROFANATICA - Crux Simplex (BEIGE T-Shirt)
United States | Black
$22.00 - $25.00
PROFANATICA - Heretical Visions PROFANATICA - Crux Simplex (BLACK T-Shirt)
United States | Black
$22.99 - $26.99
PROFANATICA - Heretical Visions PROFANATICA - Crux Simplex (BLUE T-Shirt)
United States | Black
$21.99 - $23.99
PROFANATICA - Heretical Visions PROFANATICA - Crux Simplex (GREY T-Shirt)
United States | Black
$21.99 - $23.99
PROFANATICA - Heretical Visions PROFANATICA - Crux Simplex (RED T-Shirt)
United States | Black
$21.99 - $23.99
PROFANATICA - Heretical Visions PROFANATICA - Crux Simplex (WHITE T-Shirt)
United States | Black
$21.99 - $23.99
PROFANATICA - Desecrated Nuns (Kramer) PROFANATICA - Desecrated Nuns (Kramer) (BEIGE T-Shirt)
United States | Black
PROFANATICA - Desecrated Nuns (Kramer) PROFANATICA - Desecrated Nuns (Kramer) (BLACK T-Shirt)
United States | Black
$16.99 - $20.99
PROFANATICA - Desecrated Nuns (Kramer) PROFANATICA - Desecrated Nuns (Kramer) (BLUE T-Shirt)
United States | Black
PROFANATICA - Desecrated Nuns (Kramer) PROFANATICA - Desecrated Nuns (Kramer) (GREY T-Shirt)
United States | Black
PROFANATICA - Desecrated Nuns (Kramer) PROFANATICA - Desecrated Nuns (Kramer) (RED T-Shirt)
United States | Black
PROFANATICA - Desecrated Nuns (Kramer) PROFANATICA - Desecrated Nuns (Kramer) (WHITE T-Shirt)
United States | Black
PROFANATICA - Desecrated Nuns PROFANATICA - Desecrated Nuns (OG Version) (T-Shirt -OR- Girlie)
United States | Black
$12.22 - $22.99
PROFANATICA - Desecration Whores PROFANATICA - Desecration Whores (BEIGE T-Shirt)
United States | Black
$21.99 - $24.99
PROFANATICA - Desecration Whores PROFANATICA - Desecration Whores (BLACK T-Shirt)
United States | Black
$22.99 - $26.99
PROFANATICA - Desecration Whores PROFANATICA - Desecration Whores (BLUE T-Shirt)
United States | Black
$21.99 - $24.99
PROFANATICA - Desecration Whores PROFANATICA - Desecration Whores (GREY T-Shirt)
United States | Black
$22.00 - $24.00
PROFANATICA - Desecration Whores PROFANATICA - Desecration Whores (RED T-Shirt)
United States | Black
$22.00 - $24.00
PROFANATICA - Desecration Whores PROFANATICA - Desecration Whores (WHITE T-Shirt)
United States | Black
$22.00 - $24.00
PROFANATICA - Desecrator PROFANATICA - Desecrator (BEIGE T-Shirt)
United States | Black
$19.99 - $21.99
PROFANATICA - Desecrator PROFANATICA - Desecrator (T-Shirt -OR- Girlie)
United States | Black
$19.99 - $23.99
PROFANATICA - Disgusting Blasphemies Against God PROFANATICA - Disgusting Blasphemies Against God (T-Shirt -OR- Girlie)
United States | Black
$15.55 - $23.99
PROFANATICA - Ejaculate PROFANATICA - Ejaculate (T-Shirt -OR- Girlie)
United States | Black
$15.55 - $23.99
United States | Black
$19.99 - $21.99
United States | Black
$19.99 - $22.99
United States | Black
$19.99 - $22.99
United States | Black
$19.99 - $22.99
United States | Black
$19.99 - $22.99
PROFANATICA - Profanatitas De Domonatia PROFANATICA - Profanatitas De Domonatia (T-Shirt -OR- Girlie)
United States | Black
$15.55 - $23.99
PROFANATICA - Rape PROFANATICA - Rape (T-Shirt -OR- Girlie)
United States | Black
$15.55 - $23.99
United States | Black
$19.99 - $22.99
PROFANATICA - Rotting Incarnation Of God PROFANATICA - Rotting Incarnation Of God (BEIGE T-Shirt)
United States | Black
$20.00 - $22.00
PROFANATICA - Rotting Incarnation Of God PROFANATICA - Rotting Incarnation Of God (BLUE T-Shirt)
United States | Black
$20.00 - $24.00
PROFANATICA - Rotting Incarnation Of God PROFANATICA - Rotting Incarnation Of God (GREY T-Shirt)
United States | Black
$20.00 - $25.00
PROFANATICA - Rotting Incarnation Of God PROFANATICA - Rotting Incarnation Of God (RED T-Shirt)
United States | Black
$20.00 - $24.00
PROFANATICA - Rotting Incarnation Of God PROFANATICA - Rotting Incarnation Of God (WHITE T-Shirt)
United States | Black
$20.00 - $23.00
PROFANATICA - The Curling Flames Of Blasphemy PROFANATICA - The Curling Flame Of Blasphemy (T-Shirt -OR- Girlie)
United States | Black
$19.99 - $23.99
PROFANATICA - The Grand Masters PROFANATICA - The Grand Masters (T-Shirt -OR- Girlie)
United States | Black
$15.55 - $23.99
PROFANATICA - Thorncross PROFANATICA - Thorncross (T-Shirt -OR- Girlie)
United States | Black
$19.99 - $23.99
PROFANATICA - Thy Kingdom Cum PROFANATICA - Thy Kingdom Cum (T-Shirt -OR- Girlie)
United States | Black
$17.77 - $23.99
PROFANATICA - Weeping In Heaven PROFANATICA - Weeping In Heaven (BLACK T-Shirt)
United States | Black
$19.99 - $23.99
PROFANATICA - Weeping In Heaven PROFANATICA - Weeping In Heaven (WHITE Long Sleeve)
United States | Black
PROFANATICA - Weeping In Heaven PROFANATICA - Weeping In Heaven (WHITE Longsleeve Crop)
United States | Black
PROFANATICA - Weeping In Heaven PROFANATICA - Weeping In Heaven (WHITE T-Shirt)
United States | Black
$19.99 - $22.99
United States | Black
$19.99 - $22.99
PROFANATICA - Wreathed In Dead Angels PROFANATICA - Wreathed In Dead Angels (T-Shirt)
United States | Black
$19.99 - $23.00
PROFANATICA - Desecrator PROFANATICA - Desecrator (Hooded Sweat Shirt)
United States | Black
PROFANATICA - Pale Fuck PROFANATICA - Pale Fuck (HOODED Long Sleeve Shirt)
United States | Black
PROFANATICA - Profanatitas De Domonatia PROFANATICA - Profanatitas De Domonatia (Hooded Sweat Shirt)
United States | Black
PROFANATICA - Sickened By Holy Host PROFANATICA - Sickened By Holy Host (Hooded Sweat Shirt)
United States | Black
PROFANATICA - Altar Of The Virgin Whore PROFANATICA - Altar Of The Virgin Whore (Long Sleeve)
United States | Black
PROFANATICA - Altar Of The Virgin Whore PROFANATICA - Altar Of The Virgin Whore (T-Shirt -OR- Girlie)
United States | Black
$19.99 - $24.99
PROFANATICA - Angel PROFANATICA - Angel (Athletic Cotton Shorts)
United States | Black
PROFANATICA - Desecrator PROFANATICA - Desecrator (T-Shirt -OR- Girlie)
United States | Black
$19.99 - $23.99
PROFANATICA - Thorncross PROFANATICA - Thorncross (T-Shirt -OR- Girlie)
United States | Black
$19.99 - $23.99
PROFANATICA - Weeping In Heaven PROFANATICA - Weeping In Heaven (WHITE Off Shoulder Crop Top)
United States | Black
PROFANATICA - Desecrated Nuns PROFANATICA - Desecrated Nuns (Spandex Leggings)
United States | Black
PROFANATICA - Desecration Whores PROFANATICA - Desecration Whores (Black Raglan w/ Red Long Sleeves)
United States | Black
$26.00 - $28.50
PROFANATICA - Reptile Angel PROFANATICA - Reptile Angel (Black Raglan w/ White Long Sleeves)
United States | Black
$24.00 - $26.50
PROFANATICA - Altar Of The Virgin PROFANATICA - Altar Of The Virgin Whore (BANNER)
United States | Black
PROFANATICA - Desecrated Nuns PROFANATICA - Desecrated Nuns (Record Tote Bag)
United States | Black




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