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WINTERFYLLETH - The Mercian Sphere
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WINTERFYLLETH - The Mercian Sphere (CD)

United Kingdom | Black
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SKU:  01CDman4051042
LABEL : Candlelight
YEAR : 2010
View All : WINTERFYLLETH products
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Detailed Description
Formed in 2007 with the intention of honouring England's proud ancestral heritage and rich national culture, WINTERFYLLETH (comprised of members culled from the UK's most devastating doom contingent ATAVIST) set a solidified mission statement to bring awareness to England's historical stories, folklore, landscapes and ancestral past through their folk-influenced vitriolic black metal. Coining the term English Heritage Black Metal (EHBM), Winterfylleth (which translates into Winter Full Moon from the Olde English language) represents the first full moon in October as well as the Anglo-Saxon festival of the arrival of winter. With their 'Rising of the Winter Full Moon' demo, they generated a massive response in the underground, causing them to be signed up by Profound Lore Records (Leviathan, Xasthur, Wold, Altar of Plagues etc). Rising of the Winter Full Moon displayed a fierce focused vision on what Winterfylleth wanted to achieve through their music, and with their 'The Ghost of Heritage' debut (that was released on the Winterfylleth of 2008), this vision became even more solidified and fleshed out. By combining vicious yet moody folk inspired black metal that harkens back to the early days of ENSLAVED and old-school ULVER, Winterfylleth also conjure feelings and moods that reflect with the likes of acts such as DRUDKH, HATE FOREST, and FOREFATHER, while at the same time, forge new ground to lead a recent movement in UK black metal as well as strengthening the scene at the same time. With their music Winterfylleth conjure moods and emotions that range from vicious and violent to melodic and elegant, 'The Ghost Of Heritage' signalled a new shift for the underground UK black metal scene while at the same time, presented a solid observation that fit nicely within the paradigm of the folk black metal movement, with Winterfylleth being considered by much of the music press to be one of the most distinct, special acts of this movement, gaining critical acclaim from the worlds music media, most notably of which was being voted in Unrestrained Magazines' '25 Best Albums of 2008'. Lyrically, the band delve into tales of England's archaic history, re-counting major events, battles, and even draw inspiration from certain sites and scenery that grace the countryside of England and have played an integral part in England's history. In 2009 Winterfylleth had some personnel changes and regrouped adding to their strong original line up. At the same time they signed to Candlelight Records to handle the release of their forthcoming 2010 album "The Mercian Sphere".

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