WARLUST / PESTIS - The Final War / Plagueridden (MCD)
Netherlands | Black
Detailed Description
Dutch Black Metal War Machine tag-team! WARLUST's previous album "Trench Warfare" was sold out long ago (during the Summer of 2004)... This rare (also sold out long ago) recording "The Final War" (from 1999) conisists of devastating War Hymns with killer vocals and top-notch guitar attack; featuring members of SABBATICAL GOAT!
The Netherlands' PESTIS (not to be confused with 2 other bands from Germany and Brazil) debut with "Plagueridden", a [rehearsal] demo track. PESTIS still consists of WARLUST / B.O.T. (BRINGERS OF TORTURE) duo Nocturnasz and Furor only. No other members are involved. Listen to audio here: http://www.myspace.com/pestisnl