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SINNERS BURN - Disturbing Creatures
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SINNERS BURN - Disturbing Creatures (CD)

Sweden | Death
Stock:  Yes
SKU:  01CDvic420995
YEAR : 2014
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Detailed Description
In 2007 Sinners Burn started with the original Paganizer line up (from the 'Deadbanger' era), reuniting as a drunken project to celebrate 10 years with Paganizer. This project led to the release of Sinners Burn debut album 'Pre-mortal Autopsy' in 2008. Just after this release Patrick Myr?n (Blodsrit, Zombified) joined the band and new songs where written for the upcoming album called 'Mortuary Rendezvous'. Richard Karlsson (all guitars) joined just before the release of the record in early 2009. New songs where written and Markus Ankarberg (vocals) and Fredrik Nilsson (bass) joined the band. This was the first time that the band lineup was complete and that Sinners Burn where ready for touring. Soon after that the band the album recorded their 3rd full lengt album 'Insanity Warmachine' (2010). Now with the same line up as on the 3rd album, SINNERS BURN will release their fourth full lenght album 'Disturbing Creatures'. Groovy mid tempo old school death metal from Sweden at its best.

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