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SILVER MOUNTAIN - Before The Storm (12" LP)

Sweden | Heavy
Price Range:   $19.85 - $19.99
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(Description by R. Vrankovich)
Years ago we were at a record fair sifting through the vinyl when we came across a copy of Silver Mountain's 'Shakin Brains' lp. We started talking with the guy behind the desk selling the vinyl what a great record it is and how we loved it. He agreed but'said he was a bit disappointed when it finally came out in 1983, we of coursed asked why. He told us the 1980 demo was so much heavier and without any keyboards. When we finally got a chance to hear it goddamn if he wasn't right on. The Classical influences and ornate keyboards were left out in favor of an all out aggressive twin guitar attack!

The twelve included tracks:
1) Spring Maiden
2)Keep On Keepin On
3)Not you Baby
5)Looking for you
6)Felo de si
7)Axeman & the Virgin
9)Prophet of Doom
10)Before the Storm
12) Handled Roughly

Remastered by Jonas Hansson
The cover features the original artwork that was scrapped for Shakin Brains LP
Insert included with lyrics and pictures of the 1980 incarnation of the band

From the Shakin Brains liner not's:

Most of you will fondly remember the days
when the mention of a new heavy metal band from Sweden resulted in a thrilling electric shock to the nervous system. Swedish Metal always had its 'sound', its 'feel' a unique creativity injected with tremendous energy and often tingling rawness, but always with plenty of huge hooks, riffs and terrific melodies. And make no mistake, this sound owes its origin, it's claim to fame, to Silver Mountain!

While early seventies hard rock acts like November showed that'sweden could rock, they were overshadowed by the pop music in the likes of Abba. Then, in the early 80s, the hard rock movement in this Nordic landscape finally set new traditions and standards. No band defined this clearer than a little Swedish four-piece called Silver Mountain.They quickly became to Sweden what Metallica were to the US, and Iron Maiden were to England. Formed in the late seventies by guitar virtuoso Jonas Hansson, whose influences ranged from Rainbow to the New Wave of Brit'sh Heavy Metal, Silver Mountain rapidly scaled the ladder to became the new heroes of the Swedish metal explosion of a decade when heavy metal ruled the planet.

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