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KROSSFYRE - Burning Torches
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Spain | Black/Thrash
Stock:  Yes
LABEL : Hells Headbangers
YEAR : 2017
View All : KROSSFYRE products
Reg. Price:  $8.99
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You Save:  $5.66 (63%)
Detailed Description
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HELLS HEADBANGERS is proud to present KROSSFYRE's six-song debut EP, Burning Torches, on CD and 12" vinyl formats. One of the most exciting newcomers HELLS HEADBANGERS has come across lately, KROSSFYRE formed only last year, but set to work on writing and recording Burning Torches, completing the six-song/20-minute EP last September at Moontower Studios. Although an otherwise brand-new name, KROSSFYRE include among their ranks members who do or have done time in such bands as Sheidim, Spain's Graveyard, Korgull the Exterminator, Insulters, Morbid Flesh, and Suspiral. Nevertheless, the creation of Burning Torches itself bespeaks a whole new era of domination.

Right from its very beginning, Burning Torches explodes with an excitement and electricity that are uniquely KROSSFYRE's, passion and poison mixed into one. Pounding metal, diabolic force, total power from Hell: this Spanish quintet whip forth a fury that's strangely familiar yet simultaneously refreshingly unique; it's a sound that's been brewing in cast-iron cauldrons for time eternal, but now bubbling over with a youthful joie de vivre. References to be made include classic Nifelheim and Vomitor, but also early Tribulation, later Desaster, Gospel of the Horns, Bestial Mockery, and Nocturnal Graves among others. But the sheer charisma and cantankerous esprit KROSSFYRE exude - not to mention infectious, gloriously METAL songwriting - puts the band squarely amongst those hallowed ranks. Early days still, to be sure, but on evidence of the forthcoming Burning Torches, the name KROSSFYRE will soon be upon the tongues of diehards worldwide soon enough. Take these Burning Torches and feel the fire!

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