Metal Inquisitor plays traditional metal which is an exact mixture between Nwobhm and early Bay area speed/thrash metal. There second album 'Doomsday For The Heretic' should have any 80s metal fan jumping of joy. Not too melodic, not too thrashy and, above all, not too cheesy. The guys really took the best from that time and brought it into the new millennium. The title track or the song 'Star Chaser' are very good bows to Judas Priest, for example. 'Thane Of Cowder' is reminiscent of Iron Maiden and riff crackers such as 'Restricted Agony' or 'M4-A1' would not have been out of place on Metallicas 'Kill'em All' either. Of course, you've hard some of the riffs before, but the music just is great fun and the songs have enough originality to be hits themselves and not copies. The sound and production is top notch, as it fits the music like a glove. The same goes for the artwork. Many will probably groan: Not another retro band! But despite all parallels to the big bands they are independent and write good and catchy songs. So listen to it in any case, if you are into metal. Its worth it!