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SJUNDE INSEGLET - Kalontas Auton Pou Onomazetai Satanas Kai Diavolos
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SJUNDE INSEGLET - Kalontas Auton Pou Onomazetai Satanas Kai Diavolos (CASSETTE)

Sweden | Dark Ambient
Stock:  Yes
SKU:  06MC9712302370
LABEL : The Ajna Offensive / Unseen Forces
YEAR : 2018
View All : SJUNDE INSEGLET products
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Detailed Description
The recordings of Sjunde Inseglet were initially only intended to accompany and elevate certain ritualistic practices for initiates wandering the Dark Path. Some recordings will however be suitable for a broader audience and will thus be released to the public, while others will be kept to a closed circle. 'KAPOSKD' is suitable for workings with the dynamic energy of the Dragon, an untameable force with countless names and faces, as well as the more sinister aspects of the five elements. "Arrival" has also been used with good results for kliffotic path workings.

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