BUTCHER's music embodies the riffing madness that dominated the airwaves and underground tape-trading scene from the late '70s through the genre-defining '80s and well into the early '90s. Their unique blend of metal draws from German and US Speed Metal roots but also incorporates elements of proto-metal, hard rock, South American and Australian black/thrash, obscure and mainstream NWOBHM, and the early '90s Scandinavian cult sound. In essence, BUTCHER's music is influenced by the twin lead masters of the UK but also pays homage to the legacies of Sweden, Switzerland, Canada, and Brazil. Their sound is a furious fusion of speed, black, and heavy metal, crafted using analog and vintage recording equipment. While their style may be an acquired taste in modern times, it is sure to be appreciated by metal fans who have a fondness for the magic of older heavy music eras.