First off, don't be deceived by the title-this is a studio album all the way; altogether a different sort of album from "Tunog Pinoy", thudding out of the gate with the monumental 'Kailan Pa Kaya', syrupy treated vocals, John Bonham-esque drumming and all; dig too, if you will, the Zeppelin vibe of 'Screw' before sailing into the trippy, acoustic 'Tattong Araw', or the legendary 'Wally's Blues'; more effects than the earlier record, sounding more like newfound recordings from the late 1960's than a mid-70's record-this has more psychedelic credentials than most reissues which get that label bestowed upon them; you might say that while "Tunog Pinoy" is classic rock in the best sense, this is classic psychedelia, in the best sense.