CRYFEMAL - Malicioso Sonido Putrefacto (12" Black LP)
Spain | Depressive Black
Detailed Description
This is the type of Black Metal you would listen to when you desecrate graves and burn churches, as it is so undeniably black, evil, horrid and loaded with enough filth to cover our world with the new black plague that Cryfemal is spreading. The guitars come across with convincing, razor sharp riffing and rhythms, and the drumming and back end rhythms are twisted enough to blow the listener's mind in just one listen. Plenty of old school black metal influences from the likes of Darkthrone, Sodom, Denial Of God, early Celtic Frost come to mind here, which makes "Malicioso Sonido Putrefacto" such a cult classic already. At the end of the day, it all comes down to the music, which Cryfemal definitely give black metal a whole new name: "Black Metal Of Death Cult".