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GOATPENIS - Inhumanization (12" LP on Black Vinyl)

Brazil | Black Grind
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SKU:  02LP45182437
LABEL : Die Todesrune / Death To Mankind
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NWN Productions, in collaboration with New Era, proudly presents the vinyl reissue of Goatpenis' seminal album "Inhumanization." This edition is pressed on 160-gram heavy black vinyl and housed in a durable 3mm jacket printed on thick cardstock. It also includes a 12" double-sided insert, enhancing both the visual and auditory experience.

Goatpenis resurrects under the unflinching banner of NWN! to deliver their debut atrocity, aptly defined as "war metal." Unlike many bestial black metal bands mistakenly labeled under this genre, Goatpenis embodies a militaristic essence and a profound disdain for human existence in every release. "Inhumanization" marks the culmination of their journey, showcasing true Brazilian war metal and completing the ouroboros of their legendary legacy.

After a peculiar opening sample from an old military promotional video about a hydrogen bomb test, paired with two minutes of eerie, vintage film score, this album doesn't explode into action immediately. Instead, it fades in with a strange, militaristic snare and tom roll, set against a winding harmonic minor guitar riff. It's an unusual start, unlike anything seen in extreme metal before?a two-minute sample followed by a gradual fade-in before the roaring blast beats commence.

Before diving into the music itself, it's important to understand that this isn't a typical raw black/death album. Many tracks feature extended intros, some sourced from old films, adding a layer of vintage, melodramatic ambiance rarely explored in this genre. The album creates a distinctive atmosphere of "vintage black and white nuclear Cold War paranoia," which is further emphasized through the lyrics, imagery, and overall presentation.

The cover art for "Inhumanization" features a futuristic font instead of the usual Gothic typeface, and rather than the traditional Chris Moyen-style line artwork, it displays a lifelike image of an eerie, polluted green sky over a barren, lifeless landscape. Inside, band photos show the members in military gear, complete with bullet belts, chains, and camouflage paint, creating a unique visual aesthetic. Some members sport military-style crew cuts, which adds to the sense of a new and distinct presentation that embodies the concept of "war metal."

As for the music itself, the odd presentation should be kept in mind, but the tracks should also be judged on their own merits. After the unconventional fade-in, the first track finally erupts with intense blast beats and vicious tremolo-picked riffs in a harmonic minor scale, building upon the opening riff. Immediately, it becomes clear that this album stands apart from previous Goatpenis recordings due to its crystal-clear production, allowing every instrument to be discernible. The drums dominate the mix, but the harsh, heavily distorted guitar tone is sharp enough to cut through and engage the listener directly. The use of the harmonic scale is prevalent throughout the album, creating a slick and sinuous sound that perfectly complements the aggressive style. Initially, some riffs might feel off-kilter?like the main riff in "Machine Voidness"?but their uniqueness makes them memorable, sticking in your mind long after the album ends.

By the time the third track, "Roman Revenge," kicks in, it becomes evident that the blast beats and tremolo-picked riffs are heavily influenced by the South American legends who came before, like Sarc?fago and Genocidio. This album is a continuation of that South American black metal tradition, but it stands out with its raw, vibrant energy and avoids the pretentiousness of overly repetitive atmospheric riffing. Each song is packed with solid riffs that change quickly and unexpectedly, yet the clear production makes them easy to follow.

The intense blast beat sections are punctuated by sinister breakdowns that build anticipation before unleashing more fury. The drums have a mechanical precision, with sudden tempo changes and emphasized snare hits that enhance the album's militaristic, machine-like feel. The vocals are distorted and processed to sound even deeper, contributing to the album's menacing atmosphere. In "Roman Revenge," founding member Sabboath's roars add a primal, bestial quality to the sound. Standout tracks like "Lethal Binary Chemical Munitions" and the frenzied "Soldier of Blasphemy" showcase the album's ability to reach epic heights without sacrificing intensity.

This is not a grindcore or "black noise" album. The intricate riffing quickly dispels any doubts about the quality of the music on "Inhumanization." Building upon the sadistic black metal style that inspired many in the early '90s, Goatpenis carries the torch of South American black metal into a bleak, post-apocalyptic future, delivering a sound and presentation that is both unique and sinister.

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