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BARDO ARCHIVOLOGY - Vol. 2 : Wardruna, Angelcorpse, Malokarpatan
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BARDO ARCHIVOLOGY - Vol. 2 : Wardruna, Angelcorpse, Malokarpatan (ZINE)

Stock:  Yes
SKU:  13MAG9715664116
LABEL : The Ajna Offensive / Unseen Forces
YEAR : 2021
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Detailed Description
Bardo Archivology is a periodical anthology with selected texts from the Bardo Methodology archives. The second volume contains fifteen timeless conversations held over the scope of four years, presented in ambitious aesthetics with plenty of custom artwork. Bands/Artists featured in this issue : Nastrond, Vomitor, Nocturnus, Xibalba Itzaes, Ryan F-rster, Angelcorpse, The Ruins of Beverast, Ascension, Malokarpatan, Manhunter: The Story of the Swedish Occultist and Serial Killer Thurneman, Wardruna, Lifvsleda, Forgotten Woods, Seigneur Voland, Wolcensmen.
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