NECRODEITY "Left Emanations" and "Death Over Kalikshetra" cassettes + poster OUT NOW. The true progenitors of Kalikshetra violence, NECRODEITY laid the first brick on the initial foundation of Kolkata's hyper-speed terroristic black metal tradition exactly ten years back and had radically impacted the then-dormant scene by their untamed velocity and frenzied bestiality that eventually helped trigger the ominous birthings of notorious entities such as TETRAGRAMMACIDE, APARTHIVA RAKTADHARA, NIRRITI and many more that have spawned out of fertile black soils of the city's cremation grounds over span of the last five years. 'Left Emanations' Demo (recorded way back in December MMXIII and was eventually lost for years up until recently it has been
retrieved from the dungeon abyss) and 'Death Over Kalikshetra' 60+ minutes of live barbarism at various ritual altars circa 2014-2015) are the bona fide evidences of NECRODEITY's all-consuming audioactive dissolution, now only published as special cassette tape editions by DEATH ORACLE on a special occasion to mark the completion of a glorious decade devoted to sheer adversarial ideals and a total musical transgression that are now synonymous with Kolkata Black Metal. Both cassettes released in conspiracy with NECRODEITY/BRAHMASTRIKA "Praeternatural Commotions from Kolkata Maha Samshana" 7" split EP available through Iron Bonehead Productions.