Embark on a transformative odyssey through the portal of a new musical opus, where the interplay of harmony and density unfurls within foreboding atmospheres, creating a duel of evocative emotions. Traverse dimensions and explore shadow-laden landscapes that resonate deeply with the soul, immersing yourself in the essence that conjures impious melodies. This 2009 masterpiece is the brainchild of Infernal, a beacon among Colombia's most emblematic Black Metal bands. Rooted in exceptional guitar craftsmanship, their black metal weaves an intricate tapestry, featuring an almost melodic lead guitar. Serving as their fourth full-length album, this timeless band remains steadfast in preserving the ancient sound, paying homage to the dark path of malevolence. Recorded in 2009 in Madrid, Spain, this release echoes the spirit of Norwegian black metal classics, drawing parallels with revered acts like Darkthrone and Satyricon.