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LIBER NULL - For Whom Is The Night (12" LP w/ Poster, Booklet)

International | Black
Price Range:   $21.99 - $26.99
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Liber Null, the Italian / Dutch international Black Metal band returns with their second full length album "For Whom Is The Night". Their debut album was released 6 years ago through Osmose Productions but one can say fairly that the band has come a long way when you compare both records. Their second album is so ferocious and relentless which makes it irresistible not to bang your head from start to finish. The complete record has a full sound and a lot of variating tempos which keeps the album interesting. The guitars are heavy but give a lot of room to melodies and single string moments that simply draw you in. The bass guitar is strongly present and underlines the heaviness of the guitars with the right dose to compliment the complete sound without breaking it down where the drums go from left to right, top to bottom. Fast blast beats, mid tempos, fills and the right amount of extra details on the 20" ride and other cymbals to complete the whole instrumental sound. The vocals are haunting aggressive with several nice variations in vocal sound between the vocal lines which brings only one word to mind: Brutal, Brutal, BRUTAL!!! Just makes you want to slam your head through a wall! Liber Null has managed to deliver an album that kicks from start to finish without breaking down into a weaker moment. Even Old School death metal fans might enjoy this record due to the heaviness of it. A record that every metal fan should have in their collection.

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