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BLACK FUNERAL - Ankou And The Death Fire
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BLACK FUNERAL - Ankou And The Death Fire (Jewel Case CD)

United States | Black/Dark Ambient
Stock:  Yes
SKU:  01CD972011140
LABEL : Dark Adversary
YEAR : 2016
View All : BLACK FUNERAL products
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Detailed Description

Ankou and the Death Fire is an album guiding the listener through the otherworldly realm of shadows, darkness, and the mythological cycle of death from the inspiration of ancient Celtic lore. From the Iron Age through the Medieval Celtic period, Ankou and the Death Fire is centered on myth and traditions of Death and the Otherworld. Guitarist Azgorh entombs a cold and ancient foundation in grim and withered melodies, while the drums of An Unnamed Spirit inspire the phantom marching of the dead. Vocalist Akhtya Nachttoter (AKA Michael Ford) artfully layers otherworldly howls and screams at different frequencies to guide the listener into the gashing jaws of Death and the legions of dark spirits and reapers of the Celtic mythology. Akhtya's ghost-like soundscapes and multilayered vocal invocations guide the listener into the waves of haunting black metal. Each song is a specific journey in which the dark gods behold processions of those bearing skull-cups filled with the blood of the living.

The energy BLACK FUNERAL shaped and created in this recording is that of the Celtic forms of the Reaper, most intriguing being the Ankou. The Ankou is a grim harvester of the dead and collector of souls, found in the folklore of Brittany. The Ankou appears in many guises: from a thin, skeletal man with long white hair and a wide-brimmed hat, or as skeleton covered in a white shroud, carrying either a scythe or sword as he walks down the lanes with his carrion cart of death. The Ankou is said to be Cain, who is the patron witch-father of the Luciferian tradition of Witchcraft. This album manifests numerous forms of the Ankou and the Dullahan and the energies associated with their death magick.

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