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BARBARIAN - Cult Of The Empty Grave (12" LP w/ Poster)

Italy | Speed/Thrash/Black
Price Range:   $16.99 - $24.99
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OUT NOW ON HELLS HEADBANGERS! Pressed on traditional black vinyl and olive green vinyl with oxblood splatter. Comes with a large 18"x24" poster and lyrics insert. CD & T-Shirt also in stock!

HELLS HEADBANGERS is proud to present the highly anticipated third album of Italy's BARBARIAN, Cult of the Empty Grave. Since 2009, the power-trio have been killing it in the metal underground, culminating in 2014's classic Faith Extinguisher on the highly respected Doomentia label. Now, with the backing of longtime fans HELLS HEADBANGERS, the true BARBARIAN are poised to hail and kill, far and wide, wherever the mighty hooves of the Apocalypse take them, and Cult of the Empty Grave shall be the soundtrack to that domination. The BARBARIAN sound is one that's both ancient and fresh, and has been firmly in place since the beginning. Imagine a sweat-drenched symbiosis of early Running Wild and '80s Manowar with the panache of classic Venom: Cult of the Empty Grave eclipses such a hypothesis, but is rendered with the now-trademark BARBARIAN touch, one that's boisterous and bloodlusting and unapologetically OTT. In the wise words of one Cult of the Empty Grave track, it's verily "Absolute Metal." Total fun done with total seriousness and with total intolerance for posers (leave the hall!), BARBARIAN hail the banner of heavy metal and beckon you to enter the Cult of the Empty Grave!

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