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HUNOK - Megrendiithetetlenseg (12" Gatefold LP)

Hungary | Black Metal/Pagan Dark Ambient
Price Range:   $10.99 - $19.99
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OUT NOW ON WEREWOLF RECORDS. 180 copies pressed on orange vinyl exclusively for HHR/WWR customers. An undisclosed amount pressed on traditional black vinyl. Comes in a gatefold cover.

…After what seemed like a lifetime of winters and battles, Hunok's prophesied debut full length album "Megrendi´thetetlense´g" is finally available on vinyl. The barbaric sound of raw black metal and the ancient pagan battle winds will return you to the forgotten age of nineties, when darkness ruled and reminiscent curses were invoked from the Temple of the Fullmoon.

WEREWOLF RECORDS is a Luciferian metal temple founded in 1998. The wolfish cry from the Carelian battlegrounds, WEREWOLF RECORDS releases black metal and other dark arts motivated exclusively by theistic Satanist views of the founder Werwolf. In this age when black metal's worth is questionable, idealism and rigor are the exception when they should be the highest law. We uphold the law of the Wolf - the destruction of the weak and the false so that the original vitality of the dark magic art can continue to grow and create the foundations for an empire. Black metal is Will and Power. We deal with material that inspires us on our journey towards our own kingdom - a kingdom that is not yours, but bears a resemblance to the one there could be for you. Now in conspiracy with HELLS HEADBANGERS, the temple of WEREWOLF RECORDS shall wage its war farther and wider than ever, with no spiritual surrender.

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